DIY Fire Helmet Craft

Paper plate fire helmet painted blue with pom poms and the number 4 on the shield

Make your own fire hat! You only need a few supplies for this fun, simple activity. Let your child decorate their hat however they like. It could be a superhero fire hat or a sparkly purple one — let them unleash their creativity!*

  • Paper plate
  • Paint color(s) of choice
  • Paint brush
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Construction paper

Step 1: Have your child paint the paper plate using their favorite color(s).

Step 2: Once the paint dries, help them cut out a circle on the inner rim of the paper plate. Cut out about ¾ of the plate so that you’re left with a round flap.

Step 3: Flip up the flap of the plate so it’s standing up. Help your child trim the rounded top so it resembles a muffin.

Step 4: On a piece of construction paper, cut out a badge shape. Have your child write their favorite number on the badge.

Step 5: Glue the badge onto the flap of the hat and let your little firefighters put out some imaginary flames!

*An adult should oversee all activities. Activities may not be appropriate for all ages.

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