Tips for Keeping Your Kids Active

smiling children playing under a play parachute

A challenge many of us face (adults and children alike) is making sure we move enough during the day. Get your whole family up and moving with some of these fun activities: 

  • Go for a walk in the park or in your neighborhood and have a scavenger hunt (look for a pine cone, a red bird, etc.). 
  • Use sidewalk chalk to create a hopscotch court and teach your child to play the game. 
  • Find a new park or playground to explore. 
  • Walk your dog or play fetch with your dog as a family. 
  • Plant flowers together in a garden. 
  • Visit a local zoo or museum. 
  • Go outside and play with a bouncy ball. 
  • Teach your child to ride a tricycle. 
  • Have a family room dance party. 
  • Set up a small inflatable pool in your backyard. 
  • Play active Simon Says. “Simon says jump like a frog” or “slither like a snake.” 
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