8 Summertime Safety Essentials

Baby wearing life jacket held by mother in pool

One of the best parts of summer is spending lots of time outside. While outdoor play is great for the whole family, remember to keep these summer safety essentials in mind. 

  1. Sunscreen (at least SPF 30 that protects against UVA and UVB rays) is necessary to protect your child’s skin from harmful sun damage. 
  2. Children should also wear sunglasses to shield their eyes. 
  3. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends children wear a wide-brimmed hat that can shade the cheeks, chin, ears and back of the neck. 
  4. The AAP also recommends that children wear clothes made of tightly woven fabrics, such as cotton, which is protective and cool. 
  5. Insect repellent is another important tool in a summer safety arsenal. Current AAP and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines recommend using insect repellent that contains 10% to 30% DEET in children older than two months. 
  6. Have plenty of water on hand — even if an activity isn’t overly physical, children (and adults!) need to remain hydrated in hot weather. 
  7. Children should always wear a U.S. Coastguard-approved life jacket in and around open water like lakes and pools (especially if they don’t know how to swim). 
  8. Dress your child in brightly colored swimsuits so they’re easy to spot. 
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