4 Common Attention-Seeking Behaviors In Children & How To Respond

A mother talking with her child

In today's fast-paced world, it's becoming increasingly common to see children exhibiting attention-seeking behaviors. Whether it's whining for a snack, throwing a tantrum for a toy, or just clinging to your legs, these behaviors can be a source of frustration and concern for parents, caregivers, and educators. But what lies at the heart of these attention-seeking actions, and how can we effectively address them to ensure a child's emotional well-being and social development? Dr. Lauren (Starnes) Loquasto, SVP and chief academic officer at Goddard Systems, was recently featured on Romper.com to give her expert advice on attention-seeking behaviors and explore their underlying causes, their potential consequences, and most importantly, strategies to promote healthy, balanced attention in young minds.

Looking for more resources?  Our most recent Parenting with Goddard webinar, “What the [bleep]?”, tackles inappropriate language, separation anxiety and attention-seeking behaviors.  Dr. Lauren (Starnes) Loquasto and Dr. Kyle Pruett, clinical professor of child psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a member of Goddard’s Educational Advisory Board, provide insights and advice on these topics to help guide you on your parenting journey.

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