Our Teachers

Our teachers blend the highest education standards with nurturing care to help foster well-rounded child development.


If you want to help shape the hearts and minds of young children in a fun, nurturing environment, we’d love to have you work with us! We’re always looking for great teachers to join our family.

Check Out Our Job Listings

Warm, Nurturing & Highly Trusted

Learning happens best in a warm and nurturing environment, which is why our teachers take the time to make sure your little one feels safe and cared for every day to help them develop a lifelong love of learning. 

Expertise & Skills

Our caring teachers are highly experienced in the best methods to support your child with teachable moments of exploration, discovery and learning each and every day. 

  •  Denise


    With a background in business, Denise built this school based on two principles: recruit and retain the best talent and service the customer. This has resulted in a great teaching team who focus on the care and education of their students and a great administrative team who focus on faculty and families.
  •  Devon


    Executive Director of Operations
    Devon is our Center and Infant/Toddler Director and oversees operations for both schools. She has her Bachelor's Degree in Speech Pathology from University of Nevada, Reno. She is native to Boulder City, NV and has lived in Reno since 2011. Devon is passionate about creating a space where our students feel welcomed and safe and our parent's always feel that she cares about their experience while in the building.
  •  Kailey


    Executive Director of Education
    Kailey is the Education Director for our school. She has her Bachelor’s degree in Integrated Elementary Education with an emphasis in English Language Acquisition from The University of Nevada, Reno. She is native to Reno. Kailey is passionate about education, curriculum and child development.
  •  Kaylene


    Brand Ambassador - Somersett and Mae Anne
    Kaylene is one of our school directors and directly oversees all parent events, purchasing, school events, social media and marketing efforts. She has her Bachelor's Degree in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Nevada, Reno. She is native to Orangevale, CA and has lived in Reno since 2011. Kaylene is passionate about creating experiences for our school and our families that promote connectivity and relationship building between parents and students.
  •  Shawna


    Director, Somersett
    Shawna is one of our directors and is the coordinator for our toddler programs. She holds her Child Development Associate in Infant/Toddler from Council for Professional Development. She is native to Orange County, CA and has lived in Reno since 2013. Shawna is passionate about the time that is spent outside as a parent and a teacher.
  •  Ciara


    Director - Somersett
    Ciara has her Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies from University of Nevada, Reno. She is native to Las Vegas and has lived in Reno for 5 years. Ciara is passionate about teaching because she loves interacting with young children, watching them grow and overcome obstacles, achieve milestones, and develop into their own person.
  •  Erin


    Asst. Director - Somersett and Mae Anne
    Erin has her Bachelors degree in Human Development and Family Studies with a minor in Addiction Treatment Services from University of Nevada, Reno. She is native to Reno. Erin is passionate about creating a great place for our teachers to work and a school that is nurturing and inviting to our families.
  •  Kathy


    Infant Coordinator and Lead Teacher
    Kathy obtained her Child Development Associate in 2011 through Childcare Education Institute. Kathy is native to Michigan and has been in Reno since 2019. She is passionate about helping children’s language develop and flourish.
  •  Pia


    Lead Teacher, Baby Blue
    Pia has her Child Development Associate in Infant/Toddler and Preschool. Pia is native to the Philippines and has lived in Reno, NV since 2018. Pia is passionate about teaching because she loves being around children and hopes that her role in Early Childhood Education will help impact their lives for the better of future society.
  •  Winnie


    Lead Teacher -Infant
    Winnie has her Bachelor’s in Kinesiology, University of Nevada Reno, 2021 She is native to Reno,NV. Winnie is passionate about teaching because she finds it to be fulfilling to watch children grow and learn. She enjoys making a difference in their lives while spreading positivity.
  •  Christina


    Lead Teacher - Two's
    Christina has her Bachelors degree in Physical Anthropology with a minor in Art History from Cal Poly. In 2020 she received her infant/toddler Child Development Associate. She is native to Katy, Texas and moved to Reno in 2020. Christina is passionate about building relationships with her students and helping them grow. She loves to help her students express themselves through art.
  •  Heather


    Lead Teacher - Toddler
    Heather has her Bachelors degree in Child Development from Humboldt State University. She is native to Fortuna, CA and has lived in Reno since 2014. Heather is passionate about teaching because she loves seeing children's natural love for learning and experiencing the joy they bring to everyday life.
  •  Lauren


    Lead Teacher
    Lauren is pursuing her degree in Elementary Education. She is native to Truckee, CA and has lived in Reno since 2011 Lauren is passionate about teaching because she loves watching and being a part of kids blossoming into themselves.
  •  Brecken


    Two's Coordinator & Lead Teacher
    Brecken has his Bachelors degree in Human Development and Family Studies from University of Nevada, Reno. He is native to Auburn, CA and has lived in Reno since 2018. Brecken is passionate about teaching because of the "ah ha" moments that happens when a kiddo just "gets" it. It could be as simple as being able to put on their own shoe or as complex as learning how to spell their name. That moment when the "lightbulb" turns on and they get so excited that all their hard work has paid off is what it's all about for him!
  •  Constance


    Lead Teacher - Two's
    Constance holds her bachelor degree in Speech Therapy from Abilene Christian University, class os 2016. She is native to Singapore and has lived in Reno since 2019.Constance is passionate about working with children because she enjoys watching them develop and grasp concepts. She enjoys that lightbulb moment. She finds is fascinating to see these little humans flourish in their own ways and being a part of the process.
  •  Kailey


    Lead Teacher - Two's
    Kailey has her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Arizona State University, 2023 She is native to Reno, NV. Ms. Kailey is passionate about teaching because she enjoys leaving a positive influence on children’s growth and learning.
  •  Torri


    Preschool Coordinator & Lead Teacher
    Torri has her Master's degree in Early Childhood Education with a specialization in Diversity from National University. She is native to Folsom, CA and has lived in Reno since 2017. Torri is passionate about teaching because she can make learning fun by providing creative and engaging activities on an everyday basis.
  •  Taylor


    Lead Teacher - Pre-Kindergarten
    Taylor has her Bachelor's degree in Human Development and Family Studies from University of Nevada, Reno, 2017. She is native to Las Vegas and has lived in Reno since 2019. Taylor is passionate about teaching because she loves watching the children grow and being a part of the development process.
  •  Violeta


    Lead Teacher - Junior Kindergarten
    Violeta holds her bachelors degree in psychology, a Montessori certification, and a kid's yoga certification. She is native to El Salvador and has lived in Reno since 2018. Violeta is passionate about teaching because she enjoys connecting with many different types of learners, and she loves finding out what motivates each individual.
  •  Emme


    Lead Teacher - Kindergarten
    Emme has her Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Special Education from University of Nevada, Reno, 2023. She is native to Reno. Emme is passionate about teaching because she loves watching kids develop their unique personalities as they grow.
  •  Miranda


    Assistant - School Aged
    Miranda has her bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology. She is native to Vermont and has lived in Reno since 2018. Miranda is passionate about teaching because believes that providing a consistent, safe, and fun learning space is the best way to foster a child’s confidence and help them in growing their skills.
  •  Chesnee


    Resource Teacher - Preschool
    Chesnee is majoring in Psychology and Minoring in Substance Abuse. She will graduate in 2025 She is native to Fallon, NV and has lived in Reno for one year. Chesnee is passionate about teaching because she loves getting to see the children grow and learn.
  •  Farron


    Secondary Teacher - Kindergarten
    She’s been teaching for two years and loves building relationships with her students. She is native to the bay area and moved to Reno in 2021. Farron is passionate about teaching because she loves to learn from her students as much as she loves to teach them.
  •  Ana


    Resource Teacher - Toddler
    Ana has her master's degree in Spanish from University of Nevada, Reno. She is native to Mexico and has lived in Reno since 2012. Ana is passionate about teaching because there is always new things to learn from the kids and she loves to see them grow.
  •  Aubree


    Resource Teacher - Toddler
    Aubree is native to Reno, NV. She is passionate about working with kids and wants to share her sunshine with others.
  •  Bella


    Resource Teacher - Two's
    Bella is in the process of finishing her human development CTE program. She is native to Reno. Bella is passionate about teaching because she loves to help kids grow and build relationships with the students.
  •  Lauren


    Asst. Teacher- Infant
    Lauren has her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Management from University of Nevada, Reno,2022 She is native to Texas and has lived in Reno since 2019. Ms. Lauren is passionate about teaching because she truly wants to see children succeed.
  •  Montserrath


    Lead Teacher - Lemon Yellow
    Monse has achieved her Associate’s in Early Childhood Education and a Bachelors in Human Development and Family Science at the University of Nevada, Reno. Starting this fall, Monse will be pursuing her Master's Degree in Elementary Counseling. She is native to Reno. Monse is passionate about teaching because she loves building connections with the kids.
  •  Micaela


    Resource Teacher - Pre-Kindergarten
    Micaela is native to Reno, NV. She is passionate about teaching because children deserve an opportunity to learn in ways that work best for them and she wants to help them achieve that.
  •  Katie


    Resource Teacher - Infant and Toddler
    Katie is seeking a degree in Early Childhood Education. She is native to Southern California and has lived in Reno since 2003. Katie is passionate about teaching because she enjoys watching children discover what makes them unique.
  •  Andrea


    Lead Teacher, Turquoise
    Andrea is native to San Diego, CA and has lived in Reno, NV for 8 years. She is passionate about teaching because she loves to see children learn and grow. She strives to create a safe and exciting environment for her students.
  •  Luke


    Luke is native to Austin, Texas and has lived in Reno, NV for 8 years. He is passionate about teaching because he enjoys being apart of children's formative start to education. He believes that this time makes the biggest difference in their lives.
  •  Erica


    Lead Teacher - Navy
    Erica is native to Reno, NV and has lived here for 17 years. She is passionate about teaching because children are the future.
  •  Catherine


    Resource Teacher
    Catherine has lived in Reno, NV for 20 years. She is passionate about the care of young children. She likes to use her experiences while in the building to learn new skills and methods of child and parent communication as well as making connections to young children.
  •  Alyssa


    Resource Teacher
    Alyssa is native to California and has lived in Reno, NV since 2016. She is passionate about education because she enjoys making school fun and interesting for children.
  •  Maria


    Resource Teacher
    Maria graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology. She was born and raised in Reno, NV. She is passionate about early childhood because she believes in creating a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow in. She loves to help nurture creativity, compassion, curiosity, and self confidence in children.
  •  Jazmin


    Resource Teacher
    Jazmin has lived in Reno, NV for 19 years. She is passionate about teaching because children are special, innocent, and honest. She believes that children deserve to have a bright education to guide them through life.
  •  Juana


    Resource Teacher
    Juana is finishing her Early Childhood credits at Allan Hancock Community College and will be transferring to a 4 year university to obtain her Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. She is passionate about teaching because she enjoys being apart of children's beginning stages for development. Juana also values building relationships with each child and building on their interests.
  •  Charis


    Resource Teacher
    Charis is native to Indiana and has lived in Reno, NV for three years. She is passionate about teaching because she enjoys watching children excel in their educational journey.
  •  Lilly


    Lead Teacher - Royal
    Lilly has lived in Reno, NV her whole life. She is passionate about teaching because she loves supporting the growth on young minds.
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