Suwanee (Duluth) Reviews & Recognition

The love and commitment of our Goddard families inspires us every day. To help make each child’s learning experiences the best they can be, we are always happy to listen when parents share their expectations. Here’s what our families have to say.

  • The teachers and curriculum are amazing. My daughter is going here since she was 9 months old and currently looking at her development we are very happy. I would definately recommend Goddard School to my friends and family.

    Ansh & Anaya's Mother

    Preschool Classroom

  • All the teachers are so friendly and I know they truely care for my son. He is getting a quality education and I feel this school provides an accelerated and challenging learning environment that he is thriving in! When I come to pick him up, he is so proud of himself for all he has learned and accomplished each day. Goddard gives me confidence as a parent that I am giving my son the best start in his academic future. I love this school!!

    Zavier's Mother

    Junior-K Classroom

  • The structure of the program and consistency. Nice teachers involved with our son. Genuinely seem to care.

    Gabriel's Father

    Before/After School Program

  • The Staff care about our child and have a plan for how to help our child develop. They care about the emotional well being of the child in addition to the academic development.

    Zoey & Aydin's Father

    Preschool Classroom

  • The teachers and administrators are excellent. My daughter is always happy when I drop her off and pick her up at the end of the day.

    Isla's Mother

    Preschool Classroom

  • Friendly staff that cater to the needs of the students. There is a good balance between pushing faster kids and encouraging the ones lagging behind.

    Alivia & Elicia's Father

    Pre-K Classroom

  • Everyone remebers your child and tells you stories of their encounters. People are friendly and the phone is always answered. If you have problems they are addressed. While dropping off the child inside there is a lot of parent teacher interaction and you gain more confidence in who is watching your child.

    Soul J. Sung's Mother

    Pre-K Classroom

  • The quality teachers and focus on the individual child, allowing them to grow, learn, and develop at their own pace. And the focus on making learning fun.

    Wendy's Mother

    Preschool Classroom

  • Very well organize school with Password protected front door, clean, and all the teachers are care about their students.

    Zoey's Father

    Junior-K Classroom

  • Teachers are great in the PS1 class where our daughters are. I like the structure and curriculum and the best part is the large open play area they have at the back.

    Eva & Aria's Father

    Preschool Classroom

  • Challenging, fun, creative. Skills are started at an early level.

    Naomi & Emersyn's Mother

    Junior-K Classroom

  • I like the pictures every day. And the people- the teachers really care about our children and get so excited when our baby has another "first."

    Ellery's Mother

    Infant Classroom

  • The staff is great team of teachers. Toddler 1 & 2 have made my son happy little guy to go to school and to share his day of adventure and activities at the end of day with me. He has built up his self confidence with being independent, such as going potty and washing hands and being a big helper!

    Sophia & EJ's Mother

    Toddler Classroom

  • Love how dedicated the school is to helping every child in the class. My daughter has had a lot of trouble grasping new things and learning how to write. Love how the teachers are understanding and willing to go the extra mile to help as much as possible. I can call whenever I need to just to check in. And the school is very flexible with the parents. Very understanding. Love love love absolutely love the Goddard School.

    Annalea Bella's Mother

    Junior-K Classroom

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