Olney Reviews & Recognition

The love and commitment of our Goddard families inspires us every day. To help make each child’s learning experiences the best they can be, we are always happy to listen when parents share their expectations. Here’s what our families have to say.

  • It’s that special bond you want with the teachers and the Center director.... it’s that end of the day when you just want to know your child had a great day.... it’s that appreciative smile the teachers give you when you walk in the door.... and it’s the knowing that every teacher is trying to make sure your child is learning every single day..... .... it’s Goddard Olney! We all love this school!

    Avery's Mother

    Preschool Classroom

  • The teachers are significant contributors and the primary reason for my love of the Goddard School. They genuinely care for the children and are clearly skilled teachers. I'm so happy my daughter is learning so much in a caring environment. I'm impressed with the daily communication I received from the school and the feedback from teachers even when unsolicited. I'm thrilled we chose the Goddard School!

    Lisa's Mother

    Pre-K Classroom

  • My daughter is engaged in all of the activities and is learning so much. She benefits from the structure of the school day. Her teachers treat her like their own and take good care of her.

    Addison & Sophia's Mother

    Toddler Classroom

  • Wyatt loves his teachers and classmates and has asked us to allow him to attend every day until 6pm.

    Wyatt's Mother

    Pre-K Classroom

  • My son's teachers are fantastic. He has really grown in the year he has been there and learns so much. I also like the he can be himself and the teachers encourage his creativity.

    Noah's Mother

    Pre-K Classroom

  • The quality of teachers and learning. The environment is great and I can really tell that my son (2.5 years old) comes home engaged.

    Henry's Mother

    Toddler Classroom

  • Nice staff, clean everything, plenty of activities, daily e-mails, secure facility... so much!

    Bianca 's Father

    Preschool Classroom


Maryland Accreditation is a voluntary process of program assessment that examines all aspects of quality in educational environments for young children including curriculum, interactions between teachers and children, health and safety, family engagement and professional preparation and development of faculty.

November 2022 - November 2025
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